ShesConnected Co-founder Donna Marie Antoniadis joined with Capitial C Communication’s CEO Tony Chapman as Panel Expert for Social Media Week Feb, 5, 2010
A Reason to Believe. A Reason to Belong.
Social Media Week Toronto, February 5, 2010.
Speech by Tony Chapman followed by panel discussion.
Marketers – Welcome to your Perfect Storm.
Your brands are being commoditized, media fragmentized, and the trade and your customers disenfranchised. No longer can you hope to shout your way into your consumers head, heart and hands with media and trade dollars; people increasingly turn to their social networks to form their opinions, form their allegiances, and make their purchase decisions.
Tony Chapman, Founder and CEO of Capital C, is a sought-after presenter and frequent contributor to the mainstream press on subjects that include brands, consumerism and strategy. Tony will spend twenty minutes sharing his thoughts on how to navigate the perfect storm. He will look at the role innovation and social capital must play in establishing your Reason to Believe with your consumer, and your Reason for Belonging in their social network. He will then join a panel that includes Jesse Hirsh, Christopher Loudon and Donna Marie Antoniadis of ShesConnected Multimedia Corp to discuss and debate this topic in what promises to be a highly engaging, content-rich 90 minutes.
Watch Panel discussion on YouTube:
The Value of Community Engagement
Part 1:
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