Influencer Scoring

We have a methodology for finding and connecting with influencers. It is similar to Klout and Peer Index – but we score influencers  based on the requirements of your brand.

We also go beyond influencer identification. We add the human touch. We get to know our influencers and ensure that we stay engaged and develop relationships with them.


The Klout Score measures influence based on your ability to drive action. Every time you create content or engage you influence others. The Klout Score uses data from social networks in order to measure:

  • True Reach: How many people you influence
  • Amplification: How much you influence them
  • Network Impact: The influence of your network

Your overall PeerIndex score is a relative measure of your online authority. The PeerIndex Score reflects the impact of your online activities, and the extent to which you have built up social and reputational capital on the web.

At its heart, PeerIndex addresses the fact that merely being popular (or having gamed the system) doesn’t indicate authority. Instead, we build up your Authority fingerprint on a topic-by-topic level using our eight benchmark topics.

Someone, however, cannot be authority without a receptive audience. A receptive audience is one that listens and is receptive to the discussions of members of the community. To capture this aspect, the PeerIndex Score includes an Audience score we calculate for each profile.

Finally, we include an Activity score to account for an individual who is active and has a greater share of attention of people interested in the topics that they are interested in.