Boomer Women Defying Stereotypes
Leading Authority on Boomer Women, Study
Uncovers That Women At Midlife and Beyond Are Well-Connected and Wired
March 18, 2009 (Louisville, KY) —, the online destination forwomen 50+, released new research that reveals that the niche they’ve termed
“Vibrant Women†is the first generation of women in history whose social networks
are continuing to expand at midlife and beyond. The study’s findings are of particular
interest to marketers in this recessionary economy, where Vibrant Women are one of
the dwindling number of consumer groups with available discretionary funds.
Vibrant Women are in the prime of their lives and the healthiest, wealthiest, besteducated
generation in history. Defying the stereotype of increasing marginalization
as they age, this study confirmed that not only are their networks growing, they are
growing online.
The white paper outlining the study was authored by, Senior
Strategist, Carol Orsborn, Ph.D. and Founder and CEO Stephen
Reily. Their respective experience as an internationally known author and thought
leader on issues related to Boomer women and as marketing professional provide
Carol and Stephen with unique insights into this increasingly attractive market
segment. Mr. Reily and Dr. Orsborn announced their findings to attendees of this
week’s American Society on Aging and Boomer Summit Conferences in Las Vegas.
KEY FINDINGS – The Vibrant Nation Woman: Networked and Wired
The study of 1,000 Boomer women with household income
greater than $75,000 showed:
• The personal networks of women 50+ are large and growing.
• They are in personal contact with at least 46 people each month.
• 65% share information online with others in their network.
• They are comfortable relying on referrals from strangers online if the source is
knowledgeable/experienced. They rely on references on websites like (70%), (54%) and Tripadvisor (27%).
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• Vibrant Women are open to trying new brands and experiences, and are
motivated to make particular purchase of goods and services by a variety of
psycho-social factors including:
o Financial status (even with the recession, Vibrant Women continue to
have discretionary income)
o Life stage transitions (such as the last child leaving home, starting a
business, losing a parent or spouse)
o Physical changes (menopause, aging, surviving breast cancer)
o New family roles (grandparent, caregiver)
o Social Awareness (travel and volunteer-work)
Every life change is an opportunity for savvy marketers, who will find the Vibrant
Woman to be a vital and dynamic prospect for goods and services, even or perhaps
especially in these recessionary times.
Vibrant Women at Midlife and Beyond Defy the Stereotypes
Vibrant Women Online:
• 72% of all Baby Boomers use the internet. The highest level of technology
use – among any group – is associated with education level and income, not
age or gender (Pew Study, June 2008).
• 93% of all college graduates and 93% of those with income >$75,000 use the
internet (Pew Study, June 2008).
• 68% of affluent households ($100,000+ HHI) use internet to purchase airline
tickets; 65.7% to book hotel rooms; 44% to buy women’s clothing; and 40%
to buy books (Mendelsohn Affluent Study, October 2007).
For trustworthy and useful information, Vibrant Women turn to each other both off
and online for the answers and insights that only other women in similar life-stage
and circumstances can provide. connects women who recognize
the strength in each other and share each other’s desire to make the most of life
The Power of Members:
• 72% have bachelor and/or graduate degrees
• 56% have net worth over $250,000
• 78% report their personal networks are either stable or growing
• Next to personal experiences, 88% say that referrals from others including
online referrals have the greatest impact on their purchase decisions.
The first online destination created to connect women 50+, is the
go-to source for this rapidly growing, influential, yet previously under-served
demographic online.
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About is the first peer-to-peer information-sharing website devoted
exclusively to successful women 50+, creating a place where they can exchange
information and join in smart conversation. Stereotypes have for many years kept
marketers from appreciating not just the size of their pocketbooks but also the level
of connectedness of these women, whose shared interests and goals make them
even more networked and even more influential with peers. At,
we know these women are starting businesses, giving back, making new friends,
traveling, learning, shopping – and looking to connect with others who share their
desire to make the most of life every day. For several years, we have conducted
research into the interests and needs of this fast-growing and important consumer
demographic. is not only filling a unique need for its members,
but leading the way in helping marketers understand and serve 50+ women.